Sunday, January 25, 2009

Just a few minutes...

My mom had us out all day then she dumped us off and went back out shopping...but she said she would be back in an hour. So, I need to get somethings together for dinner and figured I can sneak in for 5 minutes and share some pearls of wisdom.
Okay, maybe not pearls of wisdom. But pearls of hope.

What I hope for out of 2009 -

To become healthier
To be more honest with myself
To really learn how to run a business on a budget
To make the business a huge success
To convince my parents to move here (my kids need them)
To spend more time showing my kids how much I love them
TO have more date nights with John
To have more mommy and me nights with each of my children individually
To be a better person, a better mother, a better friend, a better everything
To become bigger part of the change going on

Wow this hopelist keeps getting longer so I'm stopping now my few minutes are up and my hubby is reading over my shoulder (annoying - but you gotta love him - he knows a good thing when he reads it).

LO40 New Destination - mm paper
LO41 Play Dig - Sassafras
LO42 Memories - CI and Heidi S
LO43 Hair Do - Oct aft
LO44 Seamore & Clyde
LO45 Brand New

Write soon,

1 comment:

Heather said...

Busy Busy I have a lot of catching up to do. I've been in bed almost all weekend. seriously consider calling in sick tommorrow. I dont know that I can handle 2 babies with the back pain.