Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Wow, we are on a roll

Actually, this will probably be my last entry for the week. My husband is done with the tile in my bedroom and now it's my turn to put the room back together again. I have been living, sleeping, scrappin, blogging in the middle of chaos for a little over a week, when my DH decided that after waiting 10 months to get to tiling my bedroom floor that 2 weekends ago was about that time on the man schedule to finally get it done. But, like any man with a full time job he has been doing it a little at a time (god bless his soul), but now the truly hard work of putting our bedroom back together falls to me. Beginning with my scrapbooking desk. Poor desk. It is ginormous and still it cannot compete with all my scrappin supplies :) I am not sure I will be able to get it all back together again. I am letting go of all my packrat days and consolidating, reorganizing and shedding the useless. I am done with all the scraps. I just can't keep them all. But, really when do I ever use them. It sounds good in theory, but unless I use it right away I just save it until it's time to make room again. So, a tip for today, keep them handy -somewhere you are able to see them and use them more quickly or just pass them on to a thriftier scrapper or your friendly card maker - or the little rugrats who steal all your stuff anyway. Mine are going to my three little ones - someone's trash is someone else's treasure.

It does feel good to organize. I think most scrappers love to do it. Sometimes spending for time organizing then actually scrappin - so this might take me a while.

Well, once again I sadly say goodnight. If I can sneak out of clean up duty for a few minutes, I might be able to blog tomorrow.

Also, post your comments and tell me what you think about all the changes. I hope you love them all and sign up to be one of our followers.

Write soon,


1 comment:

Diana said...

Love the up-to-date blogs!